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How I receive connection from Spirit

Awakening to the other realm

Since I started my journey of awakening to the real world (or other realm), I often get asked how it all began for me, and what it’s like when I feel Spirit and the Fae channelling through me. I shall therefore attempt to explain this here…

As a child, I always felt this inner sense of something bigger around me. In the trees for example, if I was walking in the woods, or when I was playing make believe and magical games with friends, it just seemed as though we were being watched and cared for- which I now know was the Fae enjoying our play, since Fairies love children, mischief and fun above all!

As I entered my teenage years, the innocence of being a child gradually faded, and I unconsciously moved further away from my inner self, from the place where I felt connection. I now believe that Spirit allows this to be as part of a necessary growth journey. It wasn’t until my early 30’s, during a period of upheaval and ‘soul searching’, that my sense of connection to Spirit was awakened and inside me- in a big way!

It was like a lightening strike. A power beyond anything I could ever explain properly, or that any human can truly fathom. I was sitting on the sofa on an ordinary evening, talking with others. It was about 2 days after I had completed a little solstice ceremony with my 3 young children- I do believe this opened something new- and all of a sudden, I felt an immense force surround me. It was like the air itself was the force and was enveloping me. I then had the words ‘you are now ready to receive knowledge’ come into my mind as clear as anything I’ve ever known. It wasn’t auditory like a voice I could hear, but more like a message that came through.

I was rooted to the chair at the time, completely overtaken and slightly frightened by what was happening. My whole body felt surrounded by an energy like no other. I also felt a sense that this force was connecting in the gentlest way it could whilst transmitting its message- as if it had the power to destroy everything and make everything all it once, and if it touched me in any way more than this, it might cause me harm, or cause my physical body harm so to speak.

This is how I know it was source, or Spirit itself. It was the highest form of being, creation, source, that had reached out to me. No one else in the room with me seemed to notice and I never mentioned it. It was almost too incredible to try and explain, or to share perhaps (at the time).

As I write this it may come across a little grandiose, as though I was specially selected in some way- please believe me that’s not the case whatsoever! 😊. We all have the same propensity to connect and engage our higher self and with Spirit, the challenge is that most of us don’t because we don’t have the trust in our hearts to do it.

How do we create trust in our hearts in order to feel connection to Spirit?

Now this is the big question that most of us battle with- even if we don’t know it yet! There is no quick and simple answer to this, but here’s my view on 3 practical steps to get you going.

Please remember though- no one can tell you when your heart is truly open and ready to receive. You will know it when you feel ready 😊

1. Say hello to the trees- spend time in nature and give it your love. Greet the trees with a nice good morning when you walk past them (in your head if you’d rather not attract stares from a dog walker!)

2. Meditate- spend 10-20 mins a day if you can in a quiet space tuning into your body through deep breathing and meditation. As thoughts come, ask them to leave and focus on the breath only. Focus on where you feel negative energy such as worries and anxiety, inside the body, and picture them leaving the body on the exhale of breath.

3. Practice ceremony- conduct your own healing ceremonies to give thanks for all that you have and for the beautiful design of nature all around you, and to begin to open a line of communication with your guides and Spirit. If you’re not sure how- purchase my healing package, which gives you everything you need to complete a beautiful ceremony yourself, with easy to follow instructions: Healing Package with Cacao, Sage, Crystals & Oil Blend + Ceremonial Instructions | Healing With The Fae

After connecting with many other different types of entity since the evening I described above, I now understand for sure that this was Spirit hearing my call and inviting me to receive. And since then, I work at my connection- there is definitely some work involved- in order to invoke it in a given moment and hone it as part of my shamanic healing practice.

I hope this has been helpful to those who are seeking greater connection for themselves. As a parting thought, please remember this: your experiences and feelings are completely valid for you and are part of what’s required for your personal journey. No one can tell you whether something’s right or wrong based on their experience- we can only share to help each other understand things better. Trust that wherever you are right now is exactly where you’re meant to be, and ask your guides to come close and help you feel more love- they will.

Blessings to you x

Visit my site to learn more about the practices of Shamanism, spiritual healing and the beautiful Fae who are guides to me.

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