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Inviting the darkness, for here lies the light

Welcoming in the Winter Solstice

As the Winter Solstice of 2021 approaches- the date is 21st December- I'd like to focus on the meaning of this very special time of year. As the light of the Sun begins a new solar cycle, the Winter Solstice marks the first day of winter, and the beginning of a period of darkness where seeds are buried waiting to emerge again as new life.

Darkness has become synonymous with malevolent energy and gloomy outcomes, but this period of darkness symbolises a key turning point in the year! As nature lies dormant in the silent earth, this is a sacred time of rest and reflection ahead of a new awakening and the gradual move towards the light and spring. Energy is focused inwards, silently contemplating, restoring and renewing itself. Nature requires this period of darkness to perform an incredible re-birth of itself, a new beginning. And for humans the same is true. When we explore the things that feel dark or fearful to us, we can unmask them and remove the control they may have over our feelings and emotions.

It is within the darkness that we can feed our souls, where our yearnings and spiritual needs can be heard the loudest so that we might allow new inspirations to emerge and grow.

As we consciously perceive our lives as connected to nature's cycles, the way in which we understand our own personal growth and spiritual healing begins to deepen. We need to embrace the darkness therefore in order to find renewed light- much like the seeds that go underground waiting to sprout anew. We often view darkness and negativity as that which should be suppressed or dismissed as wrong, when in fact it is recognition of these uncomfortable emotions that help to strengthen our personal power, our ability to see all parts of ourselves, to love and tend to all parts, since our personal emotions are our truth and they need our attention.

If we fear the darkness within us, we are allowing ourselves to be cut off from an essential source of growth and empowerment. When we embrace the darkness, however, we always find the light in the end.

In Latin, solstice is made of two words: sol– meaning “the sun” and sistere meaning “to make stand.” Winter Solstice is one the most powerful points of the year as the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts and moves in the opposite direction. For three days around the solstice points we experience the power of the standstill point and the shift of direction. The sun standing still is a powerful metaphor for the energy available to us at the Winter Solstice to change the direction of our lives with intention and build on this energy as we enter into the new year. After experiencing the longest night and darkest day, the nights grow shorter and the days grow brighter until the Summer Solstice.

From a Shamanic healing perspective, the Winter Solstice represents a beautiful time to set intentions for the new year as we pivot towards a new direction and the renewed power of the sun's rays. Be grateful to yourself above all for all that you have achieved over the past year. See yourself and feel the love that others have for you and which you have for yourself. When I'm taking clients through Shamanic journeying at this time, I like to focus on the lower world setting and the imagery of completing and finishing things that are now stored away in a beautiful chest where they are brought together as the key ingredients for the next stage of growth. Imagine your chest is filled with all that you have done over the past year, the achievements, the emotions, the new experiences, the challenges, the people, and the inner battles you've had with yourself. Now bury your chest deep into the ground and visualise Mother Earth wrapping her roots around it, taking it deeper into the darkness where it will serve as a the magic nourishment for new seeds and new beginnings to arise in you.

You might want to hold a healing ritual or ceremony during the solstice to honour and acknowledge the endings and new beginnings in your life, accepting the past whilst clearing space for new energy to flow. When we can embrace this habit of consistently nurturing ourselves with compassion, allowing for rest and reflection, we are on the path to experience great joy and fulfilment.

Abundant darkness, love & light to you for the new year!

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