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Saved By A Moonstone

A little about my own healing journey

We all have the ability to change things, and change is often calling for our attention. It called for my attention, and my life dramatically changed in ways I never thought possible. Not overnight like some Hollywood story line. But gradually, and deeply. And I’m still very much in a healing, learning and growing process, but in a conscious way, seeing and enjoying all of it.

There is much that needs changing in the world, and we must question what we humans have come to hold dear in a world obsessed by materialism, hierarchies, resource acquisition, territory control, and profit. Many of the ‘must-haves’ or ‘have to’s’ that we accept as fixed, are in fact the very things we most need to change: we must have a central financial system that exploits all possible opportunities for productivity and profit, in order that the pie keep on growing until it can be shared effectively with all; we should keep advancing our technologies until we’ve removed all unnecessary human labour; we have to continue with our existing political, and legal infrastructure, in order to retain order and control. These are just a few of the macro-level principles that need re-thinking, in order that we might replace scarcity with abundance, control with freedom, judgement with acceptance, and fear with love.

How do we start to change our path? We start with the self. Try beginning your day differently. Say yes to things you usually turn down. Ask yourself what you keep ignoring and why? Examine your dreams. Do the things that truly make you feel like you. Stop saying you don’t have time. Worship the marvel of your physical form and nurture it. Tend to your positive thoughts like roses in a garden- don’t allow the weeds in. Challenge your fears. Tell yourself the truth.

You must know, dear reader, that whatever might be making you feel trapped, whatever seems impossible, whatever you fear, or need- you can change it. Everything is possible, and you already have all that you require to attain whatever you really need.

It was a Wednesday morning when I woke up knowing things had to be different in my life.

I went to bed the night before, after another day of trying and ‘hiding’ at work. I’d planned on waking up as usual, with renewed optimism that things would get better. I had assumed I’d be making the long commute into the office, persevering and getting on with it. But something strange happened. I lay in bed staring at the window, watching a beautiful sunrise emerging over the rooftops, and I felt a sudden intense anger and love all at once. It rushed over me, compelling me out of bed. I went to the window and stared out for a long time, noticing the time on my phone and the impossibility of making my usual train. I turned my phone off, ignored the call of my laptop and emails, and walked into the spare room where I had an old box full of bits and bobs I collected as a kid. It was high up on top of the bookshelf, covered in a layer of dust. I have no idea why I went to find the box, nor where this sudden need arose from. Inside the box, I found drawings, notes passed during class with friends, keepsakes, photos, and even some preserved cat hair from my dearest pet after she’d passed! Then at the bottom of the box, slightly tarnished, I found a ring.

It was a simple silver band with a glowing moonstone at its centre. I recognised it instantly as the ring my dad had bought me from a supposed witches’ shop in a wonderful seaside town called Boscastle in Cornwall- much famed for its mystery and magic. Bordering Cornwall is Devon, which is my homeland, and Boscastle was one of my favourite places as a kid. It fuelled my childhood daydreams of witches, hidden kingdoms, talking trees, and above all, fairies. In particular fairies were a true love of mine as a child, with many of my early memories centring around my belief in them, my sense of connection to their world, and mostly my intense conviction that I could in fact communicate with and perceive them.

None of this was particularly unique for a young girl of course, but that ring had meant so much to me, representing what I believed to be a gateway to the hidden realm of the fairies.

Then I had forgotten all about it. Decided it wasn’t ‘cool’, and hidden it away in a box, possibly somehow knowing at 16 or so that as an adult it would be important for me to find it one day. When I picked up the ring out of the box, I felt a huge wave of nostalgia, and a deep longing rushing over me. I knew I’d found the first symbol of change. It was waiting for me to find it, patiently resting on its side. I polished up the silver a little, and began reading about the properties and meaning of moonstone. I was astounded at how much it seemed to speak to the parts of me that were rising up. It’s associated with a sacred, feminine energy, and brings deep healing and transformation through the gift of increased intuition, whilst cleansing the mind of negative emotions that may be holding us back. Above all it’s about renewal, and expressing oneself fully in order to realise your own destiny. I knew absolutely nothing about crystals, or energy at that point in time. But I do know for sure, that that little stone marked the beginning of a new chapter for me.

I felt its energy deep in my heart. I felt the wonder that I experienced as a child, the sense of mystery and hope when you believe anything is possible. I wore that ring every day from that moment on, and over the next year and a half everything changed. I took a new path, both outwardly, and within myself.

The calling that led me to the stone was about allowing myself to fully come through, beginning with going back to embrace a childhood dream. Sometimes you need to go back to the beginning, in order to fully understand where you are now.

My moonstone came to remind me of who I was. It came to tell me something so very important: we have the power to change anything we set our minds to. And fairies ARE real :-)

Love & light to you x

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